Home Stretch!

Home Stretch!

Almost made it! I am officially done with all of the most difficult aspects of nursing school, all that’s left is Transitions! With most of the BSN program behind me I am finally ready to face the dreaded 12 hour shifts and work as a nurse. I was ecstatic to discover that my Transitions Practicum would be at the Pediatric Emergency Department right here at Hopkins.

Pediatric Emergency Department, JHH
Pediatric Emergency Department, JHH

The Emergency department is one of the few places you don’t get to typically work in during clinical at the SON. I chose it as my Transitions placement because I thought it would compliment my future goal of working in urgent care. So far I love it. The patients that come in are every age from newborns to 21 years olds and the acuity ranges from a slight cough or cold to a massive alpha trauma. You are constantly getting new patients, assessing them and dealing with their needs right then and there. Prioritizing and critical thinking are key skills utilized the in Peds ED.zumbaNow that I have more free time on my hands I have been able to pursue another career dream of mine- teaching Zumba! I got certified as a Zumba instructor a few weeks ago and have begun teaching some songs at both the Cooley Center (the gym for the Hopkins medical campus), and the Homewood campus gym. I love being able to choreograph my own songs and spread my love for Zumba and exercising to my peers. Hopefully I’ll have my own class this spring and I welcome everyone to come check it out!

Finally, I can’t resist posting pictures of Hopkins nursing students dressed up in Halloween costumes, I may be a little late, but I think that these get-ups are worth posting.


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